Threads of Mexico

Journeys, Struggles, Successes, and Life for a Teacher in Mexico.

Friday, December 7, 2007

something like riding a bike...

so apparently driving standard is NOT like riding a bike. you DO forget how to do it. and you CAN fall the sense of rolling backwards and not knowing what the heck you're doing.

we were with leti's dad tonight...and driving from the plaza. seeing as how my car is in titanic car heaven for the time-being, he said, "well, court, tu puedes manejar estandard, verdad?" y yo, "pues, si, padrino...pero hace como un ano desde cuando me han tocado a hacerlo. pues, pero, si, puedo." hahahahahahahahahaha! i got behind the wheel...and took off the brake...and put my foot on the clutch...and that was the end of that. i started rolling backwards, screamed, and was looking forward all the while hoping that by some miraculous god-send moment, i'd start going in the right direction with all of my wits in-tact.

uhhhhh...nope. didn't happen. it was at that precise moment that the three of us began laughing so hard we were crying. it was one of the kind of moments you probably had to be there for...but it was the hardest that i've laughed in quite awhile.

"ay, courtney o ay, guerra!"- i'm not sure if they're over-used phrases, or if I really do have THAT many moments. probably the second of the two. but, hey, life's interesting. deserted streets. one o'clock in the morning. hanging out with my friend and her dad. just driving standard as though i were riding a bike....


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