Threads of Mexico

Journeys, Struggles, Successes, and Life for a Teacher in Mexico.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

This is what it's like teaching English in Mexico...

The joys of teaching in a foreign language to your students....

I'm going to share a story Diego wrote. He's 9....precious like no other....chubby, with a smile that would melt the toughest of hearts. Here's his journal entry using superlatives:

One day, I smell one thing and I say: "I don't like that smell. I need to find the responcible for the smell." One day I smell something and say: "That smell is smelliest" and search and search the responcible of the smell. I find 3 dead skunks but in the night the skunks wake up of the another world. His eyes turn reddest, his hands turn to hottest hands. and his hear (hair) tightest on his head. all the are biggest. In the night were scared because the skunks are ugliest zombies. I fight and fight. In one night I to the skunks: "If you keep my world along I will give you a big blue diamond." The skunks accept and go to other world. The end.

Then there's Joshua's work. The prompt for that day was: This is how peanut butter is made. He writes:

First: they plant a peanut tree.
Second: every two hours, two peanuts come from the tree.
Third: they mush the peanuts and add water.
Fourth: they add cream and milk.
Fifth: they put in a jar.
Sixth: they go to the supermarket.
Seventh: they go to the person's home.
Eighth: they make peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Ninth: the person eats the sandwich.
Tenth: the peanut butter goes down the toilet and to the ocean. It's the peanuts final destination.

What thoughts swirl through the minds of fifth graders, no?!?!?!?? :)


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