Threads of Mexico

Journeys, Struggles, Successes, and Life for a Teacher in Mexico.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bless the Lord, O My Soul...

So today was highlighted for one reason and for one reason only. I went to the store to get diet pepsi....and low and behold...i enountered: Miracle Whip Light. If only you knew the surging joy in my was like being re-born with freshness and delight...all of a sudden...the tiredness, stress, anything negative was gon the instant my eyes beheld the glory of the light blue top and familiar wrapping. It was truly like a ray of light. Really. You don't know. Do'nt pretend that you can relate....;)

Other than that, I'm battling with school still, but we're getting there. Turns out one of my favorite little rascals behaved really badly this morning (it's my week to greet students at the entrance....720 in the monin', ladies and gents!) as i was reaching in to help him with his backpack, he greets me with a beautifully-wrapped chocolate chip muffin...and his mother pokes him and says, "Que le ibas a decir?" (what were you going to tell her?)....and he says, "I'm sorry, Miss K. I promise to do better." It was the cutest thing I've ever seen. She got out of the car, apologized....hehe. Really funny. The muffin was stinking amazing, he can act up any day he wants! :)

Other than that....I went to some new friends' house after school today. There's a girl from work (at the restaurant) who told me about these gringo friends she has...and they invited me to come swimming in their impressive neighborhood. So we did that this afternoon, ate a delicious (home-cooked!) dinner, and started a movie...until some friends from Nevada came's a younger Mexican girl (my age) and her dad...he's traveling to the States tomorrow morning...she's just visiting from the States, but has lived half of her life here and half we hung out and was fun...sometimes in English...other times in Spanish. THIS is the part about Mexico that I love...

That and the news that the Mariachis are on their way again! :) Woo HOO. This week begins the 9 day fiestas del pueblo in I'll be attending at least some of those nights! They ahve all kinds of fun traditional activities that are unique to each little it'll be fun to see what Chapala is all about....:)

Anyways...I think the time to rest my head has come...have a great week. Email update on the way soon. :)


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